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Funeral: Refinishing & Restoration

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Refinishings and Restoration

Our pew restoration process is customized to meet your church's needs. Pew refinishing involves more than just sanding and applying new finish. Paint and poorly applied finish hide the natural beauty of your church pews. No matter how many layers of paint or old finish your pews have, we can safely remove them all to expose the bare wood. Our refinishing process revitalizes the wood, bringing out its natural beauty. Whether a project involves stripping and refinishing pews or a complete renovation including resizing of pew bodies and reupholstering of seats and kneelers, Church Furnishings Unlimited, Inc. can assist you.

Pew Upholstery

An economical approach to adding that extra comfort to your pews. We can upholster your existing hardwood pews, or re-upholster pews already fabric covered...adding the appropriate thickness of new foam.

All work is done on site, without removing your pews. We use a concealed fastening system. Many beautiful, quality stain resistant fabrics.

Used & Refurbished Pews

If you are looking for seating as a start up church, or perhaps are on an extremely limited budget, used pews may meet your need. We can provide used pews delivered and installed. For a little extra cost we can often recover the pews in a fabric color suitable to your liking. As pictured below these used pews were cleaned, refurbished, and reupholstered.

Our Work
Please call for detail and quote

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Church Furniture and all categories available: Altars, Baptistries, Benches, Chancel Furniture, Communion Tables, Choir Chairs, Church Chairs, Exterior Signs, Fellowship Tables, Flooring, Funeral Home Furniture, Light Fixtures, Modesty Screens, Pews, Used Pews, Pews Restoration, Pews Upholstery, Pulpits, Refinishings, Restoration, Steeples, Worship Chairs,